Please note: as of December 1st, for questions about your pet's care, please contact Pets Health Den Haag on 070 - 369 42 40.
Our services
Examples of emergencies where the veterinarian should be contacted.
Read more about this
When we speak of 'annual vaccination' in the veterinary practice, we mean more than just administering a vaccine against the most common infectious diseases.
Pet chip
Every year, many dogs and cats go missing, end up in the shelter and are unfortunately not always reunited with their owners.
Our pets make us very happy, they colour our lives. But we are not so happy about the little animals we sometimes get for free.
Your pet's dental health
Castration & Sterilisation
Rabbit, dog and cat.
To the vet with your cat
Most cat owners are always nervous about do you get your cat into the carrier?
The care we can offer them is constantly improving and expanding.
Chocolate poisoning
The chocolate base is made of cocoa. Cocoa contains, among other things, theobromide and caffeine. Both of these substances are toxic to dogs and cats.
Dealing with fireworks anxiety
Tips voor hondeneigenaren van onze hondengedragsdeskundige Elise.
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